Vice-Consul General at the Brazilian Consulate in Toronto
Ademar Seabra is Deputy Consul General, Brazilian Trade Commissioner in Toronto; guest Professor at the Department of International Relations of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC); and member of the Board of the “Advanced Institute for Artificial Intelligence”, São Paulo (AI2). Former Head of the Science and Technology Division (DCTEC) of the Brazilian Ministry for External Relations (MRE); Special Advisor to the Brazilian Minister for Science, Technology, and Innovation (MCTI); Professor at the Brazilian Diplomatic Academy (Rio Branco Institute, Brasília). Has been a visiting researcher at the Centre for the Studies of Contemporary Culture (CEDEC) in São Paulo, Brazil; holds a PhD degree in Social Sciences (University of São Paulo); a MsC in Philosophy of the Social Sciences (London School of Economics); in Political Science (University of Brasília, Brazil); an undergraduate degree in Law (State University of Rio de Janeiro) and in Diplomacy (Rio Branco Institute). Served as Head of the Science and Technology Section at the Brazilian Embassy in London between 1996-2000. Was a lecturer on the discipline “Globalization and the International System” at the Federal Universities of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation in Rio de Janeiro (FGV-RJ).
Is the author of the books Justiça como Equidade (Justice as Fairness), on the political philosophy of John Rawls (Lumen Juris, Rio de Janeiro, 2004), and Diplomacy, Development and National Innovation Systems: a comparative study between Brazil, China and United Kingdom (Brasília, FUNAG, 2011). Co-authored books on International Politics and has published academic articles and essays on Globalization, Sociology of International Relations, International System and Politics, in books and periodicals from the United Kingdom, Germany, USA, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, and Brazil.